Friday, May 21, 2021

Season Wrap


What an end to the year. There is a lot I would like to say on the matter, including a recap of the great things that you did this year, but I will save that for our team party this next week.

Some of our athletes are planning the get together - here is the information: Our end of year party will be Tuesday, 6 PM at Rocket Park (Tolman Park). We will be doing a potluck. Sign up for what you want to bring (so we don't end up with 10 people bringing watermelon) and come hang out with the team! We will be giving out some dundies and having a good time. Click here for the putlock sign up. We will have some end of season recognition at the party as well - I hope you all can make it.

The last few things that need to be addressed are the track class, uniforms, and upcoming cross country. 

Class will still be held next Tuesday and Thursday (and the next Tuesday), but we will not be running. We will meet in my classroom at 12:50 (except the last week of school) and go from there. You do not need to change from your regular clothes. 

Uniform tops can be purchased for $15. If you do not want to buy them you need to return them to me by class time on Tuesday. I need all the shorts returned. If you decide to buy the top, please pay in the office (track account) and bring me the receipt so I can mark you as having "returned" your uniform. I have to enter fines (today actually but I'm stalling) so please get them to me pronto.

All of you not involved in a summer/fall sport are encouraged and welcome to join us for summer XC and then the official season of XC in the fall. We are gearing up for a great season, with some great kids on the team and coaches helping, so I'm really looking forward to it. The time and place of our first meeting is still TBD, but I'm thinking next Friday around 1 PM. More info to come.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Coach Jacobson